Short term self-storage is a great option if you’re looking for a way of decluttering your home or workspace for a few days or weeks. Unlike a lot of storage companies, we don’t ask for a minimum rental period or notice period to vacate so, the day you vacate the unit is the day your rent stops – simple. This means you don’t have to second guess when to give the 7 day notice period a lot of storage providers ask for and you won’t be left paying for a unit when it’s no longer needed.
Here are some reasons when and why you might need to use short term storage.
Selling your home
In today’s housing market, it’s not always possible to sell your home and move straight into your new one. Rather than risk losing a buyer while you sort out your purchase, you can use short term self-storage to keep all of your belongings safe and in one place (rather than in friends’ garages) while you rent or stay with family for a few weeks until you’ve found and completed your new house purchase.
Moving into a new home
Unless you’re moving into a new-build, consider taking just the basics in with you on moving day, and have the rest delivered directly to your short term storage unit. Cleaning, decorating and fitting new carpets will be much easier without having to move all of your furniture from room to room!
During renovations at work or home
These are stressful enough. You do not need the added issue of making sure that none of your stuff gets splashed with paint, covered with dust or otherwise wrecked by builders, plasterers, decorators or errant spouses who are “trying to help”.
Storing garden furniture and tools
If left outside over winter, your garden furniture may well need a lot of TLC before you can use it again in the spring. You might also be worried about leaving your tools in a shed during the dark winter months. Tools and furniture can all be kept clean, dry and safe in a storage unit over winter, ready to be used again in the spring.
Renting out a room or house
When Government guidelines allow us again, AirBnB and similar sites are a popular way for homeowners to make a bit of extra income by renting out a room or the entire house. Most guests don’t like it if there’s a lot of personal belongings around the home, so empty your wardrobes and decant your clothes and other items into your storage unit for the short term until your house is your own again.
Storing student belongings
Sadly, burglars know that student digs are often empty for long periods over Christmas, Easter and summer holidays, and thefts from those properties tend to skyrocket over those periods. You can rent a self-storage unit for a week or longer over the holidays and keep your valuables safe, rather than leaving it vulnerable. Even if you bring it all ‘home’ with you, will there be sufficient room to store it over the holiday period? Using a local self storage provider near to your family home will mean you or someone else are not tripping over books, bags or bikes with the likelihood of damage occurring…. and if you need something from storage, it’s easy to visit and collect what you need.
Clearing the spare room
If you normally use your spare room as a bit of a dumping ground, home gym or office, you might need to clear it out to use it as a bedroom now and then – over Christmas, say, or if you have children at university who want to come home in the holidays.
Start-up business storage
Is your business reaching the point where you need to store stock or equipment rather than keep trying to find space for it around the house? Try short term storage and see if flexible self-storage might be the best use of your resources in the longer term, or just as a stopgap until you can sort a more permanent solution as your business grows.
Life changes
Divorce, downsizing, bereavement and moving in with a partner are all times when you might find that you have more belongings than you have room for. They’re also times when long term decisions are not a wise idea, because you’re still finding your feet after a major life event (good or bad). Short term storage is a good solution for keeping all of your belongings safe without risking throwing away things you’ll use again.
If we at Self Store & More can be of any help with finding the right storage solution to suit your short term needs then please don’t hesitate to contact us on the telephone (01600 735001 or 01594 840860), by email [email protected] or by using our website contact form.
How Self Store & More can help create that much-needed extra space in your wardrobe.
Are your wardrobes bulging with so many clothes you can’t always find what you’re looking for? Do you seem to only wear half of what’s in there in any given season? Are you returning home from university over summer but don’t fancy taking all of your things? If this is the case, you should consider putting some of your winter clothes (or belongings) in storage during the summer months and vice versa. Sound like a good idea? Here’s everything you need to know about how to store your winter clothes this summer.
If you follow these six steps your clothing will still look as good as new when you take it out again. Here’s how to store clothes in storage the right way!
Ready to store your clothes?
Now that you know all about packing clothes for storage all that’s left to do is to find a suitable, convenient self-storage unit. Contact us at Self Store & More 7 days a week to find out how we can help. We’ll even come and collect direct from your door to save you time, money and effort.
Preparing your home for sale or moving into a new house is the perfect excuse to purge excess items you no longer need. However, if you already live in a great location but the house is just too small, overrun with toys, tools, boxes or broken bits, or you simply need to create more space during this current lockdown, then having a declutter and rearrangement of space could be the answer you are looking for.
Whatever the reason, it can sometimes be tricky to determine what to keep and what to throw away. Storing is, of course, another option, especially for those items you don’t use often enough but don’t want to dispose of for sentimental or value reasons.
Here is some advice to help you evaluate if you should pack, throw or store your belongings.
When sorting through your belongings, ask yourself a series of questions to help categorise items:
· How often do I use it?
· How emotionally attached am I to it?
· Is this ready for an upgrade?
· Could someone else get more use out of it?
· Does it still function correctly?
· Will this fit the décor of my new home or extension?
· Is there room for this in my new house if I move?
Pack up or keep all the items that pass these questions. The rest will fall into one of the categories in the following sections.
Remember to be honest with yourself when sorting through items. This will help eliminate unnecessary clutter taking up valuable space in the future. Besides broken items, some items to consider kicking to the curb are:
· Items with missing parts.
· Old greeting cards, letters, magazines.
· Rusty equipment, such as gardening tools, old bikes or toys that are no longer played with.
Although getting rid of excess items can be a relief, sometimes it may be difficult to just throw your items away. If so, why not consider other options that can give your useful belongings a second life, such as donating, selling or giving them away.
· Clothes that are no longer worn.
· Extra or unused kitchenware (plates, glasses, mugs, silverware).
· Lightly worn furniture.
· Lightly worn rugs.
· Décor that is no longer used, such as lamps, paintings or sculptures.
So How Can Self Store & More Help?
Some of the items you want to keep may not be of use to you anymore, but have sentimental memories, or be future hand-me-downs for when the children go to university or move into their first house.
At Self Store & More, we offer a wide range of cost effective solutions to suit your needs so, whether it’s one box or a whole house, we will listen, discuss and advise what’s best for you.
Some items to consider storing, include:
· Unused musical instruments.
· Holiday decorations.
· Family photographs or keepsakes.
· Patio Furniture.
· Kitchen appliances.
· Seasonal clothing.
· Outdoor tools (e.g. lawn mower, rakes, shovels, DIY tools).
If you wish to discuss your storage requirements, or simply need some free advice then please call us on 01600 735001 seven days a week or email via our contact us page.
As space is becoming a problem for many households and businesses, self storage has become the first choice for many. At some point, many of us will need a self storage unit whether it’s for home or business. The fact that it’s safe, convenient, reliable and affordable makes it even more attractive.
While there are several reasons why people use self storage, the most common include moving home or office, renovating, storing collectables, archiving and stock storage. It is even used by students and those who travel extensively as a safe haven for their belongings.
Most Common Reasons People Use Self Storage?
Not everyone has the luxury of having enough space at home to keep all of our belongings safe. This is particularly the case if it involves larger items that fill up open space very quickly. From small to medium businesses, households, students and travellers, here are some of the most common reasons why people use self storage and why you should consider it too.
Home Clear Out
We are connected to our stuff whether we like to admit it or not. People, in general, are reluctant to get rid of things even if they no longer use it and that’s where a home clear out is so important. Along with self storage, you can even keep things “just in case” like furniture or toys to help the kids when they eventually enter the expensive housing market.
Moving House
People often have to find a temporary residence when moving to a new house which means space could be an issue. If there’s nowhere to safely store your furniture, clothes, sporting equipment and garden tools while waiting for the new property to become available, self storage is the answer. It can help keep you organised by storing things temporarily and simply collecting it when everything is ready. It certainly beats the alternative of selling old stuff and buying everything new.
Home Renovations
With the rise in housing costs, many people are renovating instead of moving as it is more affordable. While it may be cheaper, renovations and extensions can be time-consuming but you can always rely on self storage to keep things safe while builders are in-and-out. It’s the ideal solution to store your valuables, keep the house clear of clutter and worker safety.
Downsizing Home Or Moving To A Smaller Office
Self storage is also widely used when moving into a smaller home or office space. If there are things you cannot take with to the new premises, keep them in self storage until a later date. You never know what will happen as you may want to relocate where the extra furniture or equipment could come in handy.
Baby On The Way
A baby can change all the dynamics of your current living situation as it often requires completely clearing out a room or making the home safer. This means packing away all the old stuff to make space for the cot and other baby essentials. If you have a spare bed that is ‘baby-ready’, simply put in storage along with the desk, chest of drawers and cabinets. When the little one turns 3 or so, you can collect and refurbish the room accordingly.
Students Going Home For The Holidays
Students will inevitably collect excess items when they are at university. Things like television, computer, sofa and bed to mention a few. If it’s not their final year and summer holidays are around the corner, they will not bring everything home just to take it all back the next term. If that is the case, consider renting a storage unit close to your university accommodation. It is a very small price to pay for absolute convenience and peace of mind over the summer holidays.
Taking A Gap Year
Today, many students take a gap year and travel before they enter the world of adulthood and work. Self storage is perfect for this as there may not be enough room at mum and dad’s place for all the extra stuff. This means they have nowhere to store their belongings from the time they leave university until they get back and move into their own place.
Working Abroad
For those who have been offered the opportunity to work abroad on an extended contract, look no further than a self storage unit. If you have a property, you will likely rent it out for additional passive income until you return and would prefer to keep your valuables safe.
Empty Nesters
There comes a time when all the kids have left, either for university or moving into their own place. Things change after every move as the eldest who leaves at 18 didn’t take his bed and desk which the youngest of 12 could use one day. To save space until then, or if you want to turn the newly emptied room into a study or crafts room, put everything in storage. Long-term storage contracts are typically cheaper than short-term agreements so you’ll save even more.
Garden Furniture, Tools & Equipment
Seasons dictate the type of garden furniture, equipment and tools we use and knowing what to do with everything will help. Summer furniture, toys and tools can go into the shed or garage but space could be limited thanks to the new table or lounger you bought. Considering that you are not going to use any of these items for a few months, why not put it all into self storage?
A Change In Relationship Status
A breakup or divorce is never a nice experience especially when partners were living together. One, or both, has to move out which means making arrangements to store their belongings until life gets back to normal.
Family Bereavement
Nobody likes talking about it but the sad fact is that many people will inherit a home with all its contents following a family bereavement. While some may be lucky enough to hold onto everything, others need to distribute the inheritance or pay the associated costs which means the house must be sold. Secure storage may not be a top priority at this point but it can really help when dealing with the aftermath of losing a relative or partner.
What About Business Storage?
We’ve already mentioned that businesses use self storage when they downsize but what are the other reasons? Safe and accessible business storage is essential and we are not talking about keeping files in lofts or garages either. Documents, stock, equipment and even vehicles need a safe place without taking up all the room at the office.
Fact is, a business storage unit can benefit all types of companies as it helps to minimise overheads. After all, a self storage unit with all the necessary room is much more affordable than renting additional warehouse space.
How Do Companies Use Business Storage?
Storage units can help ease some of the stresses that accompany a growing business. Truth is, retail business owners, artisans, e-commerce brands and other entrepreneurs can greatly benefit. Here’s a quick look at the types of businesses that use self storage.
If you need any advice on how self storage can help you at home or work then please do not hesitate to contact us by phone, email, website enquiry form or Facebook Messenger.
We’re available 7 days a week.
Having seasonal items taking up room in your house can leave you and your living space a little cramped, particularly during the winter months when most of your living is done inside. Customers who use seasonal self-storage free up valuable space for those winter essentials when the garden shed, attic or garage is already full.
Creating space in your home by using a secure self storage facility can be a stress saver throughout the winter months but, before you do, why not follow these simple steps.
How to determine what summer items to store.
Before you can begin, you must first determine what stays and what goes into seasonal storage. Ask yourself questions, such as
Some summer items to consider putting into seasonal storage, include:
• Barbeques and outdoor furniture
• Summer sports equipment
• Christmas decorations (leave near the front ready for December)
• Summer clothing and suitcases (if no more holidays are planned)
• Gardening equipment
• Toys, bikes and outdoor play equipment
Benefits of a seasonal storage swap
If you store in a self storage facility, you can swap your seasonal items in and out with ease. Other benefits to seasonal storage include:
Extra room – No one likes clutter in their home – especially when it extends to the spare room, garages and outdoor areas. Having family stay over the holiday periods (yes, Christmas!) means space at home is of a premium. Why struggle to accommodate when a quick and easy declutter can take away some of the stress.
Clean, dry Storage – Storing items in garden sheds, garages or under tarpaulin during the winter months can affect the condition of your belongings over time. With no warm sunshine to help dry them out, water, mould and mildew can wreak havoc on your belongings during the rainy season.
Secure – Storing your belongings in the garden shed, garage or under cover may give you the space you need inside your home but are they secure? A professional self storage company will have numerous security measures in place such as on-site security, CCTV, fire and intruder alarm systems with 24/7 monitoring to provide the best protection and peace of mind you and your belongings deserve.
If you need any help or advice with your self storage requirements then please don’t hesitate to contact us 7 days a week to suit your needs.
Short term self-storage is a great option if you’re looking for a way of decluttering your home or workspace for a few days or weeks. Unlike a lot of storage companies, we don’t ask for a minimum rental period or notice period to vacate so, the day you vacate the unit is the day your rent stops – simple. This means you don’t have to second guess when to give the 7 day notice period a lot of storage providers ask for and you won’t be left paying for a unit when it’s no longer needed.
Here are some reasons when and why you might need to use short term storage.
Selling your home
In today’s housing market, it’s not always possible to sell your home and move straight into your new one. Rather than risk losing a buyer while you sort out your purchase, you can use short term self-storage to keep all of your belongings safe and in one place (rather than in friends’ garages) while you rent or stay with family for a few weeks until you’ve found and completed your new house purchase.
Moving into a new home
Unless you’re moving into a new-build, consider taking just the basics in with you on moving day, and have the rest delivered directly to your short term storage unit. Cleaning, decorating and fitting new carpets will be much easier without having to move all of your furniture from room to room!
During renovations at work or home
These are stressful enough. You do not need the added issue of making sure that none of your stuff gets splashed with paint, covered with dust or otherwise wrecked by builders, plasterers, decorators or errant spouses who are “trying to help”.
Storing garden furniture and tools
If left outside over winter, your garden furniture may well need a lot of TLC before you can use it again in the spring. You might also be worried about leaving your tools in a shed during the dark winter months. Tools and furniture can all be kept clean, dry and safe in a storage unit over winter, ready to be used again in the spring.
Renting out a room or house
When Government guidelines allow us again, AirBnB and similar sites are a popular way for homeowners to make a bit of extra income by renting out a room or the entire house. Most guests don’t like it if there’s a lot of personal belongings around the home, so empty your wardrobes and decant your clothes and other items into your storage unit for the short term until your house is your own again.
Storing student belongings
Sadly, burglars know that student digs are often empty for long periods over Christmas, Easter and summer holidays, and thefts from those properties tend to skyrocket over those periods. You can rent a self-storage unit for a week or longer over the holidays and keep your valuables safe, rather than leaving it vulnerable. Even if you bring it all ‘home’ with you, will there be sufficient room to store it over the holiday period? Using a local self storage provider near to your family home will mean you or someone else are not tripping over books, bags or bikes with the likelihood of damage occurring…. and if you need something from storage, it’s easy to visit and collect what you need.
Clearing the spare room
If you normally use your spare room as a bit of a dumping ground, home gym or office, you might need to clear it out to use it as a bedroom now and then – over Christmas, say, or if you have children at university who want to come home in the holidays.
Start-up business storage
Is your business reaching the point where you need to store stock or equipment rather than keep trying to find space for it around the house? Try short term storage and see if flexible self-storage might be the best use of your resources in the longer term, or just as a stopgap until you can sort a more permanent solution as your business grows.
Life changes
Divorce, downsizing, bereavement and moving in with a partner are all times when you might find that you have more belongings than you have room for. They’re also times when long term decisions are not a wise idea, because you’re still finding your feet after a major life event (good or bad). Short term storage is a good solution for keeping all of your belongings safe without risking throwing away things you’ll use again.
If we at Self Store & More can be of any help with finding the right storage solution to suit your short term needs then please don’t hesitate to contact us on the telephone (01600 735001 or 01594 840860), by email [email protected] or by using our website contact form.
With the arrival of our winter weather, many of your possessions will soon become redundant, with many hibernating in your garage, attic or spare room until winter is over. There are many self storage companies that can keep your summer items safe and secure in easy to access storage facilities, ensuring that they are immediately ready to use at the first hint of summer.
Having seasonal items taking up room in your house can also leave you and your living space a little cramped, particularly during the winter months when most of your living is done inside. Customers who use seasonal self-storage free up valuable space for those winter essentials when the garden shed, attic or garage is already full.
Creating space in your home by using a secure self storage facility can be a stress saver throughout the winter months but, before you do, why not follow these simple steps.
How to determine what summer items to store.
Before you can begin, you must first determine what stays and what goes into seasonal storage. Ask yourself questions, such as…
Some summer items to consider putting into seasonal storage, include:
Benefits of a seasonal storage swap
If you store in a self storage facility, you can swap your seasonal items in and out with ease.
Other benefits to seasonal storage include:
Extra room – No one likes clutter in their home – especially when it extends to the spare room, garages and outdoor areas. Should our Government guidelines allow us to this year – Having family stay over the holiday periods also means space at home is of a premium. Why struggle to accommodate when a quick and easy declutter can take away some of the stress.
Clean, dry Storage – Storing items in garden sheds, garages or under tarpaulin during the winter months can affect the condition of your belongings over time. With no warm sunshine to help dry them out, water, mould and mildew can wreak havoc on your belongings during the rainy season.
Secure – Storing your belongings in the garden shed, garage or under cover may give you the space you need inside your home but are they secure? A professional self storage company will have numerous security measures in place such as on-site security, CCTV, fire and intruder alarm systems with 24/7 monitoring to provide the best protection and peace of mind you and your belongings deserve.
If you need any help or advice with your self storage requirements then please don’t hesitate to contact us 7 days a week to suit your needs.
As space is becoming a problem for many households and businesses, self storage has become the first choice for many. At some point, many of us will need a self storage unit whether it’s for home or business. The fact that it’s safe, convenient, reliable and affordable makes it even more attractive.
While there are several reasons why people use self storage, the most common include moving home or office, renovating, storing collectables, archiving and stock storage. It is even used by students and those who travel extensively as a safe haven for their belongings.
Most Common Reasons People Use Self Storage?
Not everyone has the luxury of having enough space at home to keep all of our belongings safe. This is particularly the case if it involves larger items that fill up open space very quickly. From small to medium businesses, households, students and travellers, here are some of the most common reasons why people use self storage and why you should consider it too.
Home Clear Out
We are connected to our stuff whether we like to admit it or not. People, in general, are reluctant to get rid of things even if they no longer use it and that’s where a home clear out is so important. Along with self storage, you can even keep things “just in case” like furniture or toys to help the kids when they eventually enter the expensive housing market.
Moving House
People often have to find a temporary residence when moving to a new house which means space could be an issue. If there’s nowhere to safely store your furniture, clothes, sporting equipment and garden tools while waiting for the new property to become available, self storage is the answer. It can help keep you organised by storing things temporarily and simply collecting it when everything is ready. It certainly beats the alternative of selling old stuff and buying everything new.
Home Renovations
With the rise in housing costs, many people are renovating instead of moving as it is more affordable. While it may be cheaper, renovations and extensions can be time-consuming but you can always rely on self storage to keep things safe while builders are in-and-out. It’s the ideal solution to store your valuables, keep the house clear of clutter and worker safety.
Downsizing Home Or Moving To A Smaller Office
Self storage is also widely used when moving into a smaller home or office space. If there are things you cannot take with to the new premises, keep them in self storage until a later date. You never know what will happen as you may want to relocate where the extra furniture or equipment could come in handy.
Baby On The Way
A baby can change all the dynamics of your current living situation as it often requires completely clearing out a room or making the home safer. This means packing away all the old stuff to make space for the cot and other baby essentials. If you have a spare bed that is ‘baby-ready’, simply put in storage along with the desk, chest of drawers and cabinets. When the little one turns 3 or so, you can collect and refurbish the room accordingly.
Students Going Home For The Holidays
Students will inevitably collect excess items when they are at university. Things like television, computer, sofa and bed to mention a few. If it’s not their final year and summer holidays are around the corner, they will not bring everything home just to take it all back the next term. If that is the case, consider renting a storage unit close to your university accommodation. It is a very small price to pay for absolute convenience and peace of mind over the summer holidays.
Taking A Gap Year
Today, many students take a gap year and travel before they enter the world of adulthood and work. Self storage is perfect for this as there may not be enough room at mum and dad’s place for all the extra stuff. This means they have nowhere to store their belongings from the time they leave university until they get back and move into their own place.
Working Abroad
For those who have been offered the opportunity to work abroad on an extended contract, look no further than a self storage unit. If you have a property, you will likely rent it out for additional passive income until you return and would prefer to keep your valuables safe.
Empty Nesters
There comes a time when all the kids have left, either for university or moving into their own place. Things change after every move as the eldest who leaves at 18 didn’t take his bed and desk which the youngest of 12 could use one day. To save space until then, or if you want to turn the newly emptied room into a study or crafts room, put everything in storage. Long-term storage contracts are typically cheaper than short-term agreements so you’ll save even more.
Garden Furniture, Tools & Equipment
Seasons dictate the type of garden furniture, equipment and tools we use and knowing what to do with everything will help. Summer furniture, toys and tools can go into the shed or garage but space could be limited thanks to the new table or lounger you bought. Considering that you are not going to use any of these items for a few months, why not put it all into self storage?
A Change In Relationship Status
A breakup or divorce is never a nice experience especially when partners were living together. One, or both, has to move out which means making arrangements to store their belongings until life gets back to normal.
Family Bereavement
Nobody likes talking about it but the sad fact is that many people will inherit a home with all its contents following a family bereavement. While some may be lucky enough to hold onto everything, others need to distribute the inheritance or pay the associated costs which means the house must be sold. Secure storage may not be a top priority at this point but it can really help when dealing with the aftermath of losing a relative or partner.
What About Business Storage?
We’ve already mentioned that businesses use self storage when they downsize but what are the other reasons? Safe and accessible business storage is essential and we are not talking about keeping files in lofts or garages either. Documents, stock, equipment and even vehicles need a safe place without taking up all the room at the office.
Fact is, a business storage unit can benefit all types of companies as it helps to minimise overheads. After all, a self storage unit with all the necessary room is much more affordable than renting additional warehouse space.
How Do Companies Use Business Storage?
Storage units can help ease some of the stresses that accompany a growing business. Truth is, retail business owners, artisans, e-commerce brands and other entrepreneurs can greatly benefit. Here’s a quick look at the types of businesses that use self storage.
If you need any advice on how self storage can help you at home or work then please do not hesitate to contact us by phone, email, website enquiry form or Facebook Messenger.
We’re available 7 days a week.
To find the storage solution to suit your needs, don’t hesitate to call us on 01600 735001 – We’re here to help.
When you move house, using self storage can be advantageous, not just for securely storing your belongings during or after the move, but also in the months leading up to your sale if you opt for home staging.
Home staging may be a term you’re unfamiliar with, but if you’ve been brought up on a diet of interior design shows, you will understand the concept.
Or perhaps you are aware of it, but can’t see the point of styling your home for sale?
So why bother?
If presentation is how we judge candidates at interviews, book covers in shops and food in a restaurant, why do we mistakenly believe that people are not swayed by a stylish living room?
Home stagers enable you to display your home in a way that makes it more attractive to viewers, enticing them to make an offer. It’s not simply a case of cleanliness and good taste luring people in.
Home staging, also referred to as property styling involves using props and furniture items to create this illusion.
What is home staging?
After the initial preparations of cleaning your house, decluttering and fixing instances of wear and tear, a staging expert will help you organise your home furnishings to make the property appear more spacious and attractive. The idea is to remove personal effects and establish a canvas.
Advantages of using a pro:
Home staging is not cheap, so it’s hard for sellers to justify spending money sprucing the place up for someone else to reap the benefit.
However, Right Move conducted a survey that revealed you can increase your selling price by 8% if you style your home ahead of putting it on the market.
Pricing models can be an agreed amount depending on the number of rooms that need dressing. Other experts may ask for a percentage of your sale.
If you choose to pay for a pro, you can expect the following:
Can you do it yourself?
Yes you can, and people are opting to do this.
If you choose to go over your walls in Magnolia before a house move, then you have already experienced home staging at a simpler level.
If you are considering the DIY route, here are some tips to take on board:
Props you can use:
Last thoughts: