Monmouth 01600 735001

Ross-On-Wye 01981 541180

Lydney & Cinderford 01594 840860

How can self storage help you this Christmas

It’s coming to that time of year when our thoughts turn to Christmas with so much to organise; booking your food shop, baking, planning travel, de-cluttering house for friends and family, decorating the tree, writing Christmas cards and buying/ordering all of the presents are just some of the things we try to achieve before the 25 December. Although it can bring great joy, it can also place a huge strain on your time and energy so here’s how Self Store & More can help.

No Room at The Inn?

Self Store And More - No room sign - Lydney-Ross-On-Wye- Monmouth

With friends and family visiting, it can be quite a challenge to find the space needed to host them for the day or few days if they are staying over for the festive period. However long they stay there are normally a host of bags and belongings that come with them. Whether it’s finding somewhere for them to sit or getting their things put away, your rooms become overcrowded. That problem could be solved if you declutter a week before Christmas and use a self-storage unit to create space in the short term.

You might also have a spare room in the house where you normally store your extra Christmas goods until they are required on the day. However, this same space may be used all year round to store things that you’ve ‘tidied up’ or bought but only use from time to time. It would be wise to de-clutter in the build up to Christmas and use a small self storage unit to help create some much needed space. Once the festive season is over, we can either bring your things back to the house or keep them in the unit as part of your overall New Year clean out.

Damage Limitation

When the 12 days of Christmas is up, how many of us strip the tree, unclip the lights from the front of the house and store them in the nearest cupboard, wardrobe garage or shed? How many people ruin their Christmas decorations because they don’t have a suitable storage solution? If you have a lot of decorations, a sizeable tree and other seasonal goods that aren’t going to be used, why not use a self-storage unit to keep them safe and damp free until next year? We can even collect them direct from your door using our Mobile Self Storage service so you don’t even have to spend the time, money or effort doing so yourself. To see how this great service works, please visit

Hide and Seek

It’s quite a challenge hiding Christmas presents from your loved ones, especially over excited little ones who simply cannot wait to see what they are getting. The most popular choices of hiding places; on top of the wardrobe, under the bed or in the boot of the car really aren’t that hard to find! Where does one hide a trampoline? How do you wrap a bicycle so it’s not obvious? If you have large or numerous items with no ideal space to store them then why not rent a storage unit for a week or two so the surprise stays just that. You can even arrange to build and wrap the items in our clean, dry warehouse unit ready for the big day if needed.

Whether it’s short term Christmas related storage or long term domestic or business storage, we at Self Store & More are here to listen, advise and help you find the right storage unit for the right price for as long as you need it so please do not hesitate to contact us on 01600 735001 or 01594 840860 for latest prices and availability.

Autumn is here so now is the time to start thinking about protecting your summer belongings from the winter weather.

Having seasonal items taking up room in your house can leave you and your living space a little cramped, particularly during the winter months when most of your living is done inside. Customers who use seasonal self-storage free up valuable space for those winter essentials when the garden shed, attic or garage is already full.

Creating space in your home by using a secure self storage facility can be a stress saver throughout the winter months but, before you do, why not follow these simple steps.

How to determine what summer items to store.

Before you can begin, you must first determine what stays and what goes into seasonal storage. Ask yourself questions, such as

  • Will I use this item in Autumn or Winter?
  • Have I actually used this item this summer or is it time to sell? After all, why pay to store something you never use (unless it’s a heirloom or something a family member will need in the near future).
  • For an item you may need when the weather begins to get better, but don’t have room for at home, set it at the front of your storage unit for easy access.

Some summer items to consider putting into seasonal storage, include:
• Barbeques and outdoor furniture
• Summer sports equipment
• Christmas decorations (leave near the front ready for December)
• Summer clothing and suitcases (if no more holidays are planned)
• Gardening equipment
• Toys, bikes and outdoor play equipment

Benefits of a seasonal storage swap

If you store in a self storage facility, you can swap your seasonal items in and out with ease. Other benefits to seasonal storage include:
Extra room – No one likes clutter in their home – especially when it extends to the spare room, garages and outdoor areas. Having family stay over the holiday periods (yes, Christmas!) means space at home is of a premium. Why struggle to accommodate when a quick and easy declutter can take away some of the stress.
Clean, dry Storage – Storing items in garden sheds, garages or under tarpaulin during the winter months can affect the condition of your belongings over time. With no warm sunshine to help dry them out, water, mould and mildew can wreak havoc on your belongings during the rainy season.

Secure – Storing your belongings in the garden shed, garage or under cover may give you the space you need inside your home but are they secure? A professional self storage company will have numerous security measures in place such as on-site security, CCTV, fire and intruder alarm systems with 24/7 monitoring to provide the best protection and peace of mind you and your belongings deserve.

If you need any help or advice with your self storage requirements then please don’t hesitate to contact us 7 days a week to suit your needs.

Three D’s of self storage…

There are many reasons why you might need to use a self storage unit. Perhaps you’re moving house and need to store your soft furnishings until your new home is decorated and ready to move into properly; maybe you’re super-organised and want to put away your summer clothes now that the Autumn weather is on its way, to make room for your winter wardrobe; maybe your children are starting university and you need somewhere to keep their stuff during the holiday periods;

There are three reasons however which are particularly common: “the three D’s”…


Moving from a larger home into a smaller one naturally means that you’ll have less space for all the belongings you’ve amassed over the years. Many of our customers are people who have retired and moved into smaller, more manageable homes, and others are parents of grown-up children who no longer need as many bedrooms. They’re looking for somewhere to store those belongings that no longer fit into their home but that they don’t want to sell or give away yet.

Items of furniture that don’t fit the space available can be hard to part with, particularly if they have sentimental or significant monetary value. Furniture that you don’t have room for anymore can also still have huge potential practical value for your loved ones: if your children or grandchildren are not yet settled in their own homes, it’s possible that they may need to use your spare beds or wardrobes when they get their own places. Keeping that furniture safe and dry in the meantime could really help out, financially, at a time when your children or grandchildren have had to pay legal and moving fees as well as a hefty deposit on a new home.


Alas, divorce is a common event for many people and necessarily involves a move for one or both spouses. Even the swiftest divorce proceedings take 3 – 6 months with a fair wind, and until they are concluded it can be difficult to finalise financial arrangements and agree who will live where. Many separating couples move into temporary, rented accommodation pending a resolution of their financial affairs.

If you have to move into a smaller property or into furnished, rented accommodation, you will probably have possessions that you don’t have room for in your new place. Like the ownership of the matrimonial home itself, you and your ex may not agree on who will get what furniture in the early days, but you shouldn’t forget that you will ultimately need to furnish your own home in the long term. Even if you don’t have room for them now, you should still try to keep what you’ll eventually need after the dust has settled. A bed, wardrobe, chairs, as well as personal items such as clothing can all be safely stored in one of our self storage units until you have space for them again.


Death is never easy to accept, and as well as coping with the emotional aspects of losing a loved one you may have to deal with practical issues too. Sorting through the home of a deceased relative is not something any of us would choose to do, but it will be necessary in order to wind up their estate. It can take time, and it can also be very difficult, in the midst of grief, to know exactly what to sell and what to keep. There may be items of furniture that you can’t use right now, but will probably need in the future – selling them now will mean that replacements will have to be purchased at a later date.

If you’ve lost someone close to you, there may also be items of sentimental value that you want to keep to remember them by: their favourite chair; a picture that always hung in their living room; blankets or items of clothing that still hold their scent. Giving those things away or selling them might be unbearable. Storing them somewhere dry and clean will give you time to decide whether or not to keep your loved one’s belongings in the long run

For more information about any of our self storage services, please have a look through our website or contact us by email [email protected], telephone 01981 541180 or via our website quote request form.

Building Work – Don’t let your dreams turn into a disaster.

With the warm weather and longer days, you’ll want to get all your building work or renovations done now. After all, having work done in the house when it’s pouring down is no fun at all – in fact, it can be a major inconvenience!
While the workers you hired are happy to get on with their tasks, you’re probably on standby with the hoover to catch any dust or are busy keeping the kettle on the boil for any on-demand brews.
This is all fine. The problem begins when you have to tuck all of your belongings away. This can be a bit challenging and send your stress levels sky high. Of course, it doesn’t have to be like that. Building work shouldn’t be synonymous with building stress.

No Space, No Problem
If you don’t have a lot of space in your home you will probably need to move your furniture about. After all, the workers need to move around freely without being hindered by your furniture. However, you may not be able to place your furniture in another room of your home, especially if you don’t have a spare bedroom (and piling your stuff on top of your other stuff is far from ideal)!
And can you imagine anything worse than having to take out all of your furniture and put it on the kerb while you have work done in the house? You’ll soon get tired of explaining to your neighbours that no, you’re not having a garage sale or quickly trying to cover your prized possessions in plastic during the unexpected rainfall.
On the other hand, putting your furniture in storage temporarily, can solve all of your problems. You don’t have to worry about space and will have peace of mind of knowing that everything is safe and ready for you to collect when you want.

Damage Can Be Real… Very Real
If the work you’re having done has even a slight chance of damaging your belongings, you’re likely to be stressed about it. It could be simple paintwork, a mess about with the water pipes, or the installation of a new floor.
No matter why you’ve called workers to your home, the last thing you want is to be on edge worrying about your antique table or model car collection.
The only sure way to ensure you can avoid any damage to your belongings is to get them out of the house! By placing them in storage, you can rest assured that your belongings will be well-taken care of and there’s no way they will get damaged during the building work.

The Old “I’ll Just Cover This with Plastic”
No matter how long workers take to finish the job, it’s likely you won’t want to live in a crinkly mess for that time. Maybe you’re having the house painted or maybe you’re finally getting that wall knocked down to make more room for a baby – instead of resorting to plastic, have you considered putting your belongings in storage?
This way, your home will still look tidy (well, as tidy as it can be when you’re having work done…) and you don’t have to live in a plastic nightmare!
Take Advantage of Self Store & More’s range of storage options to suit your needs
Be it because you don’t want to keep moving furniture around or because you’re afraid that despite your precautions your possessions may still end up damaged – take a look at our range of self storage options available as we are sure there is a solution to suit your needs.
The alternative is to keep covering the furniture with cloth or plastic sheets, keep moving each piece around as needed (especially difficult if they weigh a ton, making you regret getting that solid oak dresser!), and constantly and obsessively checking for any marks or chipped corners. Not to mention the inconvenience of clambering around and over all the out-of-place items.

Why go through all that?

With building work ongoing, life is often stressful enough. So, don’t add to it by stressing about your belongings all the time.

Why not visit our website pages and take a look at the following options to find out which solution suits your needs? Of course, if you wish to discuss your requirements with an experienced member of staff then please do not hesitate to call our 24/7 customer support service, email [email protected] or complete our website Quote Request Form.

Warehouse Storage Units – Available in three different sizes
Mobile Self Storage Collection Service – Save time, money & effort on removals and van hire and let us collect direct from your door.
Store @ Your Door – Why not have a secure storage unit delivered and sited at your home – the most convenient storage solution you’ll find.
Steel Storage Units – Available is 8’, 10’, 20’ and 40’ lengths
Heated Store Rooms – Starting from only 45 sq. ft

Access to all of our units are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (some by appointment only) so, if you need to collect, drop off or simply have a look through your items, we will be here to help when it suits you.

For further information, please have a read through our website or contact us 7 days a week to find out how we can help protect your possessions in a cost effective, convenient and stress free way.

Tips for DIY Beginners.

Tips for DIY Beginners

Now the days are longer and the weather is warmer many of us will start to think about improving our home ready for the summer. For some, this can be an exciting time but, for others, the thought of DIY can seem daunting. If completed correctly, it is a great way of improving your home whilst saving money on professionals so here are some tips before starting.

  1. Know what you’re getting into – Before starting your DIY project, brush up on the work needed and educate yourself by reading a DIY how-to site on-line, watching a demonstration video or even asking a friend who has relevant experience. Having motivation is essential to see the project through, but you really need to know how to do the job first.
  2. Budgeting for your project – keep some budget aside for unforeseen costs – even a professional will have a contingency for each project. Having to stop your project before it’s finished due to lack of funds can be avoided if you budget correctly and keep a list of all the materials and their costs as you go along.
  3. Know what you CANNOT do – Some things, such as working with gas and most new electrical work, are covered by regulations which prohibit the ordinary DIY’er from carrying out the work even in their own home The regulations are there for safety sake so don’t try to do these jobs, not only is it against the law but you can endanger yourself and your family.
  4. Stay safe at all times – Make sure to always read safety instructions on all products and tools, and use protective clothing when necessary. Protective clothing such as goggles and gloves won’t cost you much and will be of use for years to come.
  5. Start small – To avoid disappointment, possible damage and possible expense of getting a professional to finish it off, make your first DIY project a simple job and get bolder as you gain experience. Although knocking down a wall may look simple enough, more experience DIY veterans and professionals will know to look for possible complications such as what the wall supports, water pipes, electricity cables and other issues.
  6. Always test – For many DIY projects, particularly for complicated ones always test your skills and materials on a small scale first. This will allow you to try out your tools, ensure you have all the necessary materials and avoid causing any damage. For example, if you decided to re-coat your hardwood floor after several years of use, testing your method first on a small surface area is what most retailers recommend.
  7. Allow enough time and don’t rush the job – When starting your DIY project, the chances are you will discover that whatever it is, it takes longer than you thought. Because there’s nothing worse than ending up with half a job done, make sure you allow enough time to complete the work and allow some extra time for complications. Some projects seem to require one weekend, but in reality one weekend could eventually spread across a few.
  8. Protect your prized possessions – this is where a local self storage company can help. There is nothing worse than trying to carry out DIY whilst constantly bumping into the furniture that has been left stacked up in the middle of the room. There are not many homes that can accommodate two rooms in one and still be habitable so, by clearing out the bulky furniture you will ultimately save lots of undue stress and effort. At Self Store & More, we have small, medium and large storage solutions to suit your needs so why not contact us to find out how we can help you.
  9. Finally and most importantly  – Enjoy your project so you look forward to the next one.

Spring is here – Is it time to declutter your clothing storage?


Winter is over so it’s a great time to declutter your clothing storage and make more room by putting your bulky winter items away for next year.

It may not be a one-day job, or even a one-person job, but imagine how much better you will feel looking at your immaculate wardrobe every day and on no occasion wasting time finding your favourite outfit.

Here are some top tips:

Remove everything out of storage and cupboards.

It’s easier to start with a clean canvas and you’ll see how much storage space you’ve got in your wardrobe. Sort through each piece of clothing. Ask yourself, do you wear it anymore? Does it make you feel good? Is it just wasting space?

Neatly, fold all your loved items and put them back in their rightful place. If you are unsure about a piece of clothing, make another pile – you can always come back to it.

Take any of your partners, your kids or your winter warmers like coats or thick knitted cardigans that you won’t need anymore and store them in a suitcase, sturdy boxes or vacuum-packed bags for safe keeping until next winter. You can always keep a few cardigan’s handy just in case you need an outer layer before Summer arrives.
Wash or dry clean your items before storing away as any dirt or stains can cause long term damage to your clothes.

Dispose or donate?

Go through that “unsure” pile again and if you are sure it can be of no further use to you or someone else then simply dispose of it. If you however believe it could be of further benefit then start a donation box. Nothing will feel better than donating perfectly wearable clothes to others in need. You won’t feel like you’ve wasted your money if it’s going to someone who will get lots of wear out of it.

Organise your storage space

Every item needs a designated storage space. Organisation will help your time management. Keep your work clothes in one space and your t-shirts in another. Hang up your dresses or shirts because no one likes to iron. Keep your shoes together and while you’re there, sort through and let go of any worn out, unwearable pairs. If you’re lucky and have walk in or built in clothing storage, have one side for your partners clothes and one side for yours for extra organisation.

Organising family storage

If you are decluttering your own clothes, you may as well help your partner or your kids (or both!!) while you’re at it. If your partner is unenthused about decluttering get him or her to sit down and answer a simple “yes or no” game. Hold up each shirt, blouse or pair of jeans in front of him or her and make quick decisions.
As for kids, how many toys do they really need? Have they grown out of anything? Keep a few of your favourite items for sentimental reasons and donate the rest. If you don’t want to part with anything, store it all for when you have grandkids!

Don’t get distracted, stay focused on decluttering
Yes, it’s hard, but stay focused – the more you procrastinate, the more time it will take to achieve your goal and you’ll end up living in more mess than when you started. Make it a family joint effort or if you are working solo, grab a glass or mug of your favourite drink and pop on your favourite music!
Take a step back and admire your decluttered clothing storage space.

If you want to declutter clothing (or any other belongings) but don’t wish to throw items away, contact us 7 days a week at Self Store & More to find out how we can help provide stress free storage for as long as you need.

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